Handspun yarn

I received a few requests to see what I’ve spun, so here are some things I spun on my Thrifty Fox Spinning Wheel! 
(I’ve made way more than this, but much of what I’ve spun was already used up in projects before being photographed hehe)

here’s what’s left of some handspun I already used for some projects 😉scraps


some in progress spinning. I tend to spin a pretty fine yarn!

on the spindle

the orange and cream color I used to knit the fox tail! I found some orange fluff I forgot to spin, and finished that up too!

fox orange spindle orange hank

someone gave me this bag of these short tuffs of fluff and told me it was silk. the short staple length wasn’t the easiest to work with, some bumps here and there, but it still turned out okay!


red and green purple mohair faint rainbow


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4 Responses to Handspun yarn

  1. Ellen Black says:

    Nice to see what you have been spinning !

  2. lieudiere says:

    Lovely yarn.
    Did you you your Thrifty Fox to ply ?

    • Thanks 🙂
      I do sometimes! It’s about 50/50 between Thrifty Fox or drop spindle for plying. I do a lot of Navajo plying, and I like using my Turkish drop spindle for that sometimes. But if I am lookin’ to speed things up a bit, I’ll just do that on the wheel as well hehe 😉

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